The crown of the wise is their riches, But the foolishness of fools is simply foolishness.

Proverbs 14:24

There are often times where the pursuit of money or the concerns of providing for my family overwhelm me and cause me to think bitterly about my situation. If only I made more I could do “X” or if only I had this thing I could accomplish “Y”. But, this mindset ignores the ways in which God has already blessed and equipped me.

This can often lead to foolish or hasty decisions. I should not let fear drive my decisions. If God hasn’t equipped me for something, then should I really pursue it? I think the answer is sometimes, painfully, “no”. There are always going to be things that I want, but, while pursuing these things, I may be missing out on something even better.

The other side of this is there are things that God has placed within my care that I must not be distracted from. He has blessed me with a family who needs me to set an example when fear sets in. I must be more intentional with my pursuits in this world if I am to gain a heavenly reward.


When finances are tight, or there is a big decision to be made for our family, how often do they see me seek God’s wisdom first?


Father, please help me to intentionally seek you first in all things and value your wisdom above any earthly treasure. Amen.