The naive believes everything, But the sensible person considers his steps.

Proverbs 14:15

In today’s world, information is everywhere. We have thousands of speakers, teachers, bloggers, and journalists available at the push of a button. But, how should we live in this kind of world as followers of Jesus?

I’m convinced that we should be like the Bereans in Acts 17 testing everything against the Scriptures to see if it rings of truth. Because at the end of the day, we cannot trust the word of man. We should avoid blindly believing every word that we read or hear from schools, bloggers, news outlets, and most importantly, preachers.

We should believe every word of the Bible. It is God-breathed and we can trust every jot and tittle, and so by it, we can discern the truth.


How have I been like the Bereans in my daily walk, measuring what I read or hear against the weight of the truth in Scripture?


Father, please help me to judge what is true by your Word and help me to consume it daily, making it a priority in my life over the consumption of trivial and perishable information and media. Amen.

Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face.

Ronald Reagan